Advanced Setup

Use a custom offline map package

If you already have a custom map style package, you can proceed. Skip this configuration if you are comfortable using the default maps. Or, prepare your own map package for offline use and come back.

Add your map package to the map/data folder. You can prepare your own or download our default map package here. Your map/data folder structure should look like:

├── fonts/
│   └── Font Name/
│       ├── font.pbf
│       └── ...
├── sprites/
│   ├── sprite.png
│   └── ...
├── tiles.pmtiles
├── style.json
└── config.json

The three files that are absolutely required are style.json, config.json, and one or more tile sources (in mbtiles or pmtiles format). Fonts and sprites are only needed if your style is using them.

Your style specification must include reference to the name of your style:

  "sources": {
    "terrastories-map": { // This MUST be terrastories-map OR you MUST update the config.json file to reflect your chosen name
      "type": "vector", // or raster
      "url": "pmtiles://tiles.pmtiles" // or "mbtiles://tiles.mbtiles". If your tile filename has a different name instead of "tiles", then change that too.
  "sprite": "sprite", // optional, only needed if your style utilizes sprites by name
  "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", // optional, only needed if your style utilizes fonts by name
  // the rest of your style specifications

For more information on custom maps, please see the Github repository

Use a custom Tileserver

If you are already hosting your own Tileserver, update compose.yaml file to remove the tileserver service and update the TILESERVER_URL to point to your hosted Tileserver:

    image: terrastories/terrastories:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db
      - 80:3000
      - 3000:3000
      - RAILS_ENV=offline
      - HOST_HOSTNAME=terrastories.local
-     - TILESERVER_URL=http://terrastories.local:8080/styles/terrastories-map/style.json
+     - TILESERVER_URL=http://localhost:8080/styles/terrastories-map/style.json
      - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://terrastories:terrastories@db:5432/terrastories
      - ./media:/media
      - ./import:/api/import/media

-  tileserver:
-    restart: unless-stopped
-    image: terrastories/terrastories-map:latest
-    ports:
-      - 8080:8080

Set up a custom Hostname

In order to access your Terrastories instance, you'll need to configure a domain.

Access via "localhost" is disabled for offline mode for security. You must set a custom hostname for domain access.

You can setup our default terrastories.local, but you may also setup your own.

First, update your /etc/hosts file (you will need root/sudo write access), and add the following line: terrastories.local

Save and close.

Replace terrastories.local with your desired host name.

If you utilized a custom domain (not terrastories.local), update your compose.yaml file:

    image: terrastories/terrastories:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db
      - 80:3000
      - 3000:3000
      - RAILS_ENV=offline
-      - HOST_HOSTNAME=terrastories.local
+      - HOST_HOSTNAME=your-custom-domain.local
-     - TILESERVER_URL=http://terrastories.local:8080/styles/terrastories-map/style.json
+     - TILESERVER_URL=http://your-custom-domain.local:8080/styles/terrastories-map/style.json
      - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://terrastories:terrastories@db:5432/terrastories
      - ./media:/media
      - ./import:/api/import/media

Last updated