Exploring the Explore Terrastories interface

The welcome interface for Explore Terrastories allows the user to browse and search for any community that has opted in to sharing their content with a greater public. You can either browse the list or search for the name of a community. You can also select a language on the top right of the window.

Once a community has been selected, you will view their map (without needing to log in!)

Note: Explore Terrastories shows the same default basemap for all communities. This is done in order to protect any sensitive information that may be added to a community's custom map. In the future, we will make it possible for communities to select their own custom map for their Explore Terrastories view.

The Explore Terrastories interface offers a much streamlined and improved over what is offered in Exploring the Terrastories main interface, and eventually we will adapt the main Terrastories interface to use the new framework and design of Explore Terrastories. That said, much of the functionality is the same, with a few differences:

The main sidebar now shows a more truncated, streamlined version of the content. Clicking on a story will open the full details of the story, with a much improved layout:

Information about Places now opens in the sidebar, too, giving users the ability to add more more information which previously was only shown in the popup on the map.

You can also filter Places using the dropdowns:

It is now possible to expand the image in the Place popup on the map, to view it in a higher resolution:

You can add multiple results to your filter in the secondary sidebar:

Lastly, you can toggle between communities! Once you have selected a community in the Welcome screen, you can then switch to a different community using the "Switch Communities" link in the bottom left of the sidebar:

Last updated